
Woman -> Anthro Cocker Spaniel
Woman -> Nonmorphic Female Polar Bear
Woman -> Anthro Herm Skunk
The entire year 17 Donation art set, including any color variants of the sequences.
A colored by Kamiki version of my classic Helen & Cassie Comic
This purchase goes directly to funding more content in Cabin in the Woods: The Documentary.
This purchase goes directly to funding more content in Captured Barn
​This purchase goes directly to funding more content in Equus
​This purchase goes directly to funding more content in "Into the Woods"
The Entire Year 16 Donation Art Set, including any color variants of the sequences.
The Entire Year 15 Donation Art Set, including any color variants of the sequences.
The Entire Year 14 Donation Art Set, including any color variants of the sequences.
The Entire Year 13 Donation Art Set, including any color variants of the sequences.
The Entire Year 12 Donation Art Set, including any color variants of the sequences.
The Entire Year 11 Donation Art Set, including any color variants of the sequences.
The Entire Year 10 Donation Art Set, including any color variants of the sequences.
The Entire Year 9 Donation Art Set, including any color variants of the sequences.
The Entire Year 8 Donation Art Set, including any color variants of the sequences.
The Entire Year 7 Donation Art Set, including any color variants of the sequences.
The Entire Year 6 Donation Art Set, including any color variants of the sequences.
The Entire Year 5 Donation Art Set, including any color variants of the sequences.
The Entire Year 4 Donation Art Set, including any color variants of the sequences.
The Entire Year 3 Donation Art Set, including any color variants of the sequences.
The Entire Year 2 Donation Art Set, including any color variants of the sequences.
Contains 12 sequences; 108 pieces of unposted artwork!
F -> Leopard & F -> M Lion
Man -> Anthro female cow
Man -> Anthro female pig
Woman -> Anthro snow leopard
Woman -> Velocirapto
Woman -> Anthro bunny & Man -> F Anthro Bunny -> Nonmorphic Rabbit
Woman -> Anthro bunny / Man -> F Anthro Bunny -> Nonmorphic Rabbit
Man -> Anthro F Unicorn -> Nonmorphic Unicorn
Man -> Anthro Female Kitsune
Woman -> Anthro red panda
Woman -> Anthro Chinese Dragon
Harry, Ron, and Hermione => their respective patronus
Woman -> Anthro Pangolin
Man -> Cerberus
Man -> Demoness/Succubus
Woman -> Octopus Monster
Woman -> Nonmorphic spotted heyna
Man -> Female Anthro Cougar
Woman -> Plesiosaur / Loch Ness Monster
Woman -> Anthro Genet
Man -> Female Anthro Ferret
Man -> Female anthro Ring Tailed Cat
Woman -> Male Golden Retriever & Male Golden Retriever -> Woman
Man -> Woman -> Anthro Cheetah
Woman -> Mermaid -> Hippocampus
Woman -> Male Griffon/Gryphon
Woman -> Praying Mantis
Woman -> Anthro Clydesdale Horse
Woman -> Succubus -> Herm Hellhound
Man -> Anthro Sea Otter
Woman -> Anthro Hornet
Man -> Komodo Dragon
Woman -> Inflatable Dolphin Pool Toy
Woman -> Creepy Nonmorphic Rodent
Woman -> Demon (Sammael from Hellboy II)
Man -> Female Corgi
Man -> Female Anthro Jackalope
Woman -> Displacer Beast
Man -> Hydralisk (Starcraft)
Woman -> Witch & Woman -> Nonmorphic black cat familiar
Woman -> Demon Dog, "Zuul"
Woman -> Anthro Hyena / Gnoll
Woman -> were-mosquito -> mosquito
Man -> Bast (female anthro cat)
Man -> Herm Anthro Inflatable Giraffe
Man -> Female Anthro Caracal
Woman -> Female beastly-anthro manticore
Woman -> Anubis (male anthro jackal-dog)
Woman -> Ammut / Ammit - Crocodile-Lion-Hippo hybrid
Woman -> Lugia (via goo)
Men & Women -> Various. All mid-TF
Woman -> Weedy Sea Dragon
Man -> Female anthro spotted skunk
Man -> Female T-Rex (Dinosaur)
Man -> Anthro Queen Ant
Woman -> Wyvern (via goo)
(Man -> Female anthro housecat)
(Man -> Cow via latex/goo )
(Woman -> Foo Dog / Foo Lion)
(Woman -> Crocodile)
(Man -> female squid monster)
Man -> Charizard (Pokemon)
Woman -> Brood (insectoid alien monster)
Woman -> Sabre Toothed Tiger
Man -> "female" porcelain doll / inanimate TF
Woman -> Nonmorphic polar bear
Woman -> Mizutsune (Fox-Dragon monster)
Woman -> Anthro Female Owl
Woman -> Weremoose
Woman -> Male Nonmorphic Lion
Man -> Anthro Salamander (mythological creature)
Human Man => Insectoid Alien Queen
Woman -> Anthro female opossum / possum
Woman -> Deep One (Anthro Fish / amphibian)
Woman -> Christmas Tree Ent (Tree-person)
Woman -> Nonmorphic Kirin
Man -> Anthro Horse
(Man -> Nonmorphic Badger)
GROWTH (height and muscle) sequence
(Man -> Woman -> Succubus / Demon )
Woman -> Houndoom (Pokemon)
Man -> Oogie Boogie (from "The Nightmare Before Christmas")
Woman -> Anthro Coyote
Two men -> Anthro Rabbits
man->catboy->Anthro cat->feral sabre toothed tiger
Woman -> nonmorphic cobra
Woman -> Anthro Basilisk
Woman -> Godzilla (Giant Kaiju Monster)
woman -> Nonmorphic horse mare
Woman -> Nonmorphic Sloth
Man -> Nonmorphic Penguin
Woman -> Nonmorphic shadow hound (shadowy dog)
Man -> Anthro Drone Bee (Insect)
Woman -> Mer Gyrados (Pokemon)
woman -> nonmorphic goat
woman -> anthro greyhound hellhound dog
Man -> Chupacabra (monster with spines and claws, reptile & canine features)
Woman -> Nonmorphic Leopard Seal
Woman -> Were-Bobcat
Man -> Cockatrice (chicken/snake/dragon mythical creature)
Woman -> Anthro Polar Bear
Man -> Nonmorphic raccoon
Man -> Nonmorphic raccoon
woman -> Male nonmorphic Wooly Mammoth
woman -> Male nonmorphic Wooly Mammoth
Man -> Jersey Devil (Goat Demon Cryptid)
Woman -> Anthro multi-headed Mouse / Rat Monster
Man -> Anthro Female Queen Bee
Man -> Anthro Female Queen Bee
Woman -> Anthro female triceratops (dinosaur)
Woman -> Anthro female honey badger
Woman -> Nonmorphic feathered velociraptor
Woman -> herm zebra satyr
Woman -> Anthro female Pachycephalosaurus (dinosaur)
Woman -> Male nonmorphic asian Chinese dragon
Woman -> Mothman (Mothwoman) (Anthro Moth Cryptid)
Man -> Turkey Satyr-> Turky Centaur -> Turkey taur
herm/femmeboi - has a vagina, flat chested
Man -> Anthro Bear
Woman -> Nonmorphic Bald Eagle
Man -> Anthro / Were Fox
Woman -> Nonnmorphic Male Bull Zebu Cow
Woman -> Cecaelia (Octopus Mermaid)
Man -> Giant nonmorphic housecat cat
woman -> Anthro female jaguar
Man -> anthro Chinese dragon (gender ambiguous)
stays female Species swap: small anthro doe woman -> big amazonian anthro wolf
woman -> Anthro elasmosaurus or pleasiosaurus dinosaur
Woman -> Nonmorphic male Nilgai Antelope
Colors by both Kamiki and Rufe - two versions of the sequence, colored!
Melony from Pokemon opens a gift from her spouse that transforms her into an anthro Alolan Ninetails
Man -> Nonmorphic Golden Eagle
Man -> Nonmorphic Dromedary Camel
Man -> Monstrous / zombie nonmorphic deer